FTN Live 40k Webcast Chat-a-thon Tomorrow 10PM

By Rob Baer | January 16th, 2014 | Categories: Videos, Webcast

Join us tomorrow night for a live 40k webcast featuring the new Tyranids book, and YOUR questions as well.

It’s TYRANIDS TIME BABY!  That’s right the bugs are back, but just how good are they?? Tune in to find out!

But on a more serious note: Sometimes when live gives you lemons you make lemonade.

Recently a vital piece of equipment we use to record and produce our podcasts was stolen, so in the mean time, until we get something new set up, we thought we would try a live webcast to connect back with all our listeners!

So get some questions ready, and tune in to the event page below for our very first FTN Live Webcast Chat-a-thon!