Get More Time For Playing: Game Mat EU Terrain Review

game mat EU chem zoneSave more time for playing things like Kill Team and Warhammer 40k with the new pre-painted Chem-Zone Terrain from Game Mat EU.

Obviously Game Mat EU isn’t new to this, you’ve probably seen their stuff before already. They make quality terrain set that comes board ready, already assembled and painted. Although they charge slightly more, the pre-painted nature and the exceptionally fast shipping might make it worth it.

Let’s take a look at Rob’s break down:

Chem-Zone 2 Terrain Set: 145,00 €

chem + IndustrialRight out of the gate Rob has a sample board set up with a few pieces of the Industrial set as well. This won’t give cover to larger vehicles, but for a small scale game, this would be perfect.

chem set 2 crateRob then turns down the exposure on his camera and we can really get a taste for the Death Guard aspect he was talking about with the green tint on the bottom of these crates.

chem set collor compareAfter then he pulls out the old set for a comparison. Right away we see that other than the color there is a slight difference in techniques they used, instead of the sponge method they used on the original set, they used a chipping method this time around.

This obviously gives it a different look but there also may be some tiny paint flakes that may come off while you use them because of the painting process. Which, ultimately is no big deal.

Overall it looks like this is still the same great product.  If you prefer this color you should pick it up!

Chem-Zone 2 Terrain Set: 145,00 €

The terrain was provided for review and promotion.