Get Your War Paint On! – Army Painter Mega Unboxing

By Rob Baer | January 18th, 2017 | Categories: Army Painter, Product Review, Videos

Army Painter

Today we’re unboxing the Mega Paint Set from Army Painter. Come see the latest line of paints to grace our hobby and possibly your models.

When Army Painter first came onto the scene they wowed us with their spray and dip combo.

It was a great way to get your army painted really quickly. Of course, it wasn’t super detailed but it really did the trick to get your Army to the Table Top as quickly as possible.

Fast forward to the release of the new Mega Paint Set and now we have an amazing way to get the top colors in the line, and their basic dips as well

Army Painter Mega Paint Set  $125

Army Paint Mega Box

This fantastic and high value Mega Paint set includes the best possible quality paints, metallics and washes available today.
It has all the colours you need as well as the one of the most popular hand-made wargaming brushes in the wargaming industry.
Some Warpaints have a Colour Primer spray equivalent – and these paints are marked with the small logo: “100% MATCH”. The Washes are a superb quality and also matches the Quickshade tones of the same name – giving you a perfect shading effect.

• 50 Warpaints; 39 Acrylic Warpaints, 5 Metallic Warpaints, 4 Quickshade Washes and 2 Effects Warpaints,
• 1 Triangular handled Regiment Brush
• 1 The Army Painter Painting Guide

The neat trick here is the color match, if you hit it with the Ultramarine Blue and then use the Ultramarine blue in the dropper paint, it’ll match perfectly. I’m also a fan of their metallic paint line as well; they’re quick and easy to use.

 I’ve never had an army painter pot dry out on me… ever.

20161228-armypainter-034The kit includes a great painting guide, the paints all come in a neat little holder, and you should know the Army Painter web site is really useful as well.

It has a ton of great information to help you get the most of these paints. Army Painter Mega BoxThis is an amazing set and you should watch the video to see the paint in action!