Godsworn Hunt, Mollog’s Mob Unbox & Build Nightvault

By Tim Roberts | January 26th, 2019 | Categories: Product Review, Videos, Warhammer Underworlds

If you love Nightvault, don’t miss our unboxing and build of Godsworn Hunt, and Mollog’s mob. We show you the latest for Warhammer Underworlds!

Warhammer Underworlds is quickly becoming one of the most successful specialist games that Games Workshop has ever produced. Plus the ranks of loyal players are growing every day. Join us as we crack open the latest releases and show you everything so you can decide if these new releases are a must have in your collection.


First up is the Chaos light box set. The Godsworn Hunt Warband comes in at your standard $30 price tag for a WHU expansion.

If this style of minis looks familiar to you that is because a model from this faction was first released in the Silver Tower box game. These models look great and one can only hope that we will see a full-size army for them in the future from Games Workshop.

Make sure you check out our video below to see Rob get these miniatures together and ready for paint. Plus he also shows you all their new cards, dice and sleeves as well.


For Mollog’s Mob, we get a look at the elusive Bat Squig in his natural Warband. This expansion features Mollog The Mighty and his ragtag group of cave familiars including, he Bat Squig. This Warband looks like it will be a blast to paint with all their cool details and such.

Plus they come with some great cards in this release like Bag of Tricks, that we feel like will definitely see gameplay in the near future. Mollog’s Mob sells for $30 and we feel like both of these new releases are worth picking up for your Underworlds collection.

We can’t wait to see these new releases all painted up and ready for the tabletop. Make sure you share your hobby progress with us over on our Hobbies Facebook Page.

As always keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and be sure to hit play on the video below!