Hacking eBay: Get Hobby Bang For Your $$$

By Drago | November 30th, 2017 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Tyranids, Videos

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The eBay repaint hacks series is back! Take a look at this easy hack to bring a Forge World model back to life and save some serious hobby cash!

The eBay hacks involve purchasing models off eBay and repainting them. These crazy tricks and rescues are easy to do. This current tutorial will use a combination of paints by Minitaire, Army Painter, GW, Vallejo, Secret Weapon, and P3. While some models need to be stripped for these hacks, this model did not. To see the entire process of going from eBay to clutch, scroll down and press play on the video below!

Base Coat and Exoskeleton

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The Hierodule from eBay was painted to a basic three color minimum with interesting choices. To start our repaint, the model is sprayed with Army Painter Daemonic Yellow as a basic primer. Second, Chaotic Red by Army Painter is sprayed onto the carapace. Pumpkin Orange by Minitaire Paints is airbrushed over the border between the red and yellow, putting in a great mid-tone and adding a transition color. Hazard Orange by Minitaire Paints is added as a shadow, sprayed closer to the top of the each muscle group.

Defining the Carapace

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P3’s Sanguine Base is watered down and painted over the Chaotic Red, giving the carapace the deep red colour we are looking for. Continue to cut in the details and be sure to have a defined border between the exoskeleton and carapace. This is easiest by switching back and forth between large and small brushes, as well as using several thin coats. The Hazard Orange is then sprayed back over the muscles and help both smooth out the transition, plus clean up any speckling that came from rapid firing the reds.

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Vallejo Game Color Gory Red is mixed in and airbrushed onto the red carapace to bring out a transition and highlight on the carapace itself. Overspray onto the orange isn’t a huge issue, since this red is very close in tone to the Hazard Orange. GW Mephiston Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet are sprayed onto the carapace to add highlight the bright parts of the carapace. Kador Red by P3 is another option instead. These reds should be added wherever light will shine, with Evil Sunz Scarlet being the brightest part of that shine. Before moving forward, do a visual inspection of the model to be sure nothing needs to be resprayed and cleaned up.

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Flash Gitz Yellow by GW and the Pumpkin Orange from Minitaire are combined into the airbrush then carefully applied to each muscle group for definition. Some of the darker orange will be blurred out, giving a great shine and pop to each muscle group.

Adding Details and Focal Points

heirodule ebay hack 7Verdigris Dark Green by Secret Weapon is cut in via brush to add onto spots where we want the greens, such as blades, hooves, horns, spikes, and other parts of the exoskeleton. The green highlight helps to create a focal point. In the airbrush, a bit of the green is airbrushed around spots where a glow would be, using OSL. Necrotite Green from P3 is used as a highlight to bring out more of the glow on the gun itself. Flash Gitz Yellow is the final pinpoint to the highlight of the green, creating a great effect. The final Flash Gitz Yellow needs to be added in small, precise dots, to enhance that glow.

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Final details include adding reds and pinks to bring out more of that focal point. Edge highlighting and dots of Flash Gitz Yellow, as well as on some of the slits, give great final pop to each OSL area. Finally Waywatcher Green Glaze by GW is brushed carefully into the slits, creating definition while keeping the greens bright. Mid Brown and Red Tone from Army Painter are mixed and used to wash various sections of the model

That is the easy way of bringing eBay models back to life and getting them onto the tabletop with a quick repaint. As well, it is an easy way to show how we can use pre-painted models and integrate them easily into our current armies, as this Tyranid does. To see the entire process, be sure to press play on the video below!