Hellboy Glazed: Next Level Painting

By Barclay Montgomery | January 17th, 2019 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

Get ready for some Next Level Painting with this awesome tutorial on glazing techniques; utilizing the festive Holiday Hellboy!

Hitting the holidays in style is whit’sits all about with this model! This painting tutorial will have you feeling warm and cozy with the Holiday Hellboy.
Next Level Painting

To get this party started, a Warm Gray from the Creature Caster paint line up. This Gray will be used in a wet pallet, letting the water mix in with the Gray to help with glazing this model. This will help you achieve a nice thin paint layers.

Next Level Painting

Adding this Warm Gray on an already highlighted miniature can help this glazing effect to maximize its value. Each subsequent layer will add a little bit of  a warmer tone each time you add paint.

Pro tip: make sure that you wait for each glazing layer to be completely dry before adding another to avoid reactivating the prior paint job and messing up your model.Next Level Painting

After glazing with the Warm Gray, use a White Ivory to go again, super thin. Focus on the highlights of the skulls in his Santa Sack. With these very thin glazing layers, its very difficult to mess up your model as long as you make sure each glazing set is completely dry before applying another layer. Make sure to use very light pressure with your brush, drying it off as needed and use a stippling technique when you apply each glaze layer. This will help your model’s highlights accentuate the previous layers.

Next Level Painting

With each highlight, use a painting technique of making each highlight more dramatic and smaller, even moving radially inward on the top of the skulls. The lighting technique was added early in the airbrush stage of this model and these glazing layers can help you stipple in the subtle shifts in paint tone.

Next Level Painting

Be sure to check in on the next video with Next Level Painting and Holiday Hellboy to fill out the paints on his Santa Sack full of goodies! This video is a great way to find out how to glaze your models; adding subtle highlights that can help you get to the Next Level on your painting projects!