Hobby Hacks: Master of Possession Lava Base

You’ve learned how to paint complex miniatures with Next Level Painting, now it’s time to focus on complex basing. Learn from the best on how to get your bases looking fresh!

The mastermind at Next Level Painting is bringing another epic painting tutorial for you playas out there. Bringing back the Master of Possession, we will go through the steps to finish off his base to complete this model.

If you haven’t seen the previous tutorial on painting complex miniatures, check out the Next Level Painting Twitch for all your tutorial needs. Let’s get to painting!

The main focus of this tutorial is how to get your models with dynamic basing built into them to fit on a base. You can add these models to resin bases to support the models pre-existing basing. Start with a glob of glue on the bottom and slap it on a resin base like one from Elrik’s Hobbies. This base has a pre-molded lava theme to fit our Master of Possessions.

The secret technique to get our model to fit on our resin base is Vallejo Earth Texture hobby pumice. Gaps can form when adding your model to a base, so the Vallejo Earth pumice will fill in the gaps. Use any hobby tool you have on hand to spread it around on the base, adding liberally to the gaps. While your hobby pumice is still wet, dunk your model base into a tub of Element Essentials to add even more layers of basing. This adds more texture to keep your basing needs consistent.

Once your pumice and element textures are dry, go ahead and add some black paint to start our base coats. After adding the black, a gray dry brush will add dome highlights quickly. After the gray, add some white dry brushing to create a complete highlight. To match his demon fire, a green lava theme works great for the base.

Pro Acryl Jade Green will match the demon fire and lava. Adding green glazes will complete your lava base and tie it in with the model itself.

Check out how to do it in real time, in the video below!