Horus Heresy Fans Start HERE – New Quick Start Demo

By Rob Baer | November 13th, 2015 | Categories: Horus Heresy, Tactics, Videos, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horus heresy betrayal at calth logo

Checkout our quick start demo game for the new Battle For Calth, and don’t waste time trying to learn the rules out of the book.

It turns our there IS a game that comes with all those great prices miniatures in the Horus Heresy box, and it’s even quite good.

But do yourself a favor and save some frustration trying to learn the rules as Games Workshop presents them – just watch this quick start guide.


Here’s a great lesson learned, while the rules are good for the game overall, the way the are presented could have been a bit better IMHO.

Maybe GW could take a page or two from FFG for their next mini-game release, and include their own Quick Start Guide to cut down on the confusion a bit.


That piece of criticism aside, the game itself is super fun and could perhaps form the basis for more expansion down the road.

It sorta looks and feels like a cross between Space Hulk and skirmish 40k when you are playing. Plus best of all games should only take you an hour or so. A perfect replacement for Kill Team or Combat Patrol, updated to 7th Edition mechanics!

Horus Heresy Quick Start Demo Game Betrayal at Calth – Guide