Acheron Painting Showcase Warhammer 40k Imperial Knight

By Barclay Montgomery | May 31st, 2019 | Categories: Painted Figure Showcase, Videos


A new challenger has arrived! Table Flip Studios is here with a great painted Imperial Knight Acheron for you hobby maniacs out there.

We have another fantastic painted miniature showcase for you hobby maniacs today! 2019 in the year of the Knights and this Acheron is ready for our showcase. Freshly painted up by Table Flip Studios, this Knight is a great start to their commissioning service.

Check out their website and see what they have to offer for you for your painting commission needs.

Table Flip Studio

This Knight Acheron was built, painted, and posed to Rob’s exact specifications. Normally Tableflip charges a $150 fee for commissioning this model, this is not a bad deal when it comes to getting your models painted.

The paint is very well blended and professionally done on this model.

Table Flip Studio

The yellow patterns on this model are a little much on this Knight Acheron model, but that Rob’s call and not a reflection on the painting job done by Table Flip Studios.

Overall, the attention to detail is impeccable, especially when it comes to the inner workings and joints on the Knight Acheron.

Table Flip Studio

Since Table Flip Studios is just starting out, check them out now before their commission prices increase.

Table Flip Studio

If you are looking for a quality painting service for a low price, check out Table Flip Studios for all of your painting commission needs. Get in before the prices go up, contact them today!


Commissioned models provided in exchange for this showcase promotion.