How To Make Any Color Work For You!

By Barclay Montgomery | April 11th, 2019 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

How To Make Any Color Work For You!

Take a look at this painting challenge from Next Level Painting using a wet palette from a previous painting session. Extend your paint and art skills today.

Coming in hot from the Beats Lab in Hollywood California, Next Level Painting is bringing you another painting challenge for you hobbyist out there. This Ork model’s paint may seem a bit off, but there’s a reason for that. His unique skin color stems from a challenge in which we reached into our box of paints and use a random assortment of paint in a hobby challenge.

We are keeping the challenge going today by finishing up his Ork weapon using only the paints from our previously used wet palette. Let’s do some art! wet palette tips

This week old wet palette will be all the paints that we need to finish up our Ork weapon and keep our hobby challenge going strong. A wet palette can keep your paints active for days or even weeks! Our challenge today will use only wet palette paints, so let’s experiment and exercise our hobby muscles.

wet palette tips

Start with a little red from our wet palette mixed with a little blackish blue. This unique paint combo is transparent and creates an interesting effect mixing with the previously painted jade Ork skin hue. Use this paint combo to drag over the top of our Ork gun to manipulate a base coat. This red paint has been sitting on our wet palette for days, but therein lies the challenge.

wet palette tips

Now we are going to use some pink color to brighten up our Ork gun. Keep it real thin and use light pressure to stay loose and relaxed. This painting style is very relaxing and therapeutic. Shift those highlights with your thin coat of pink and de-saturate your previous colors.

wet palette tips

Challenge yourself to use these hobby techniques to have fun and get the most out of your hobby. Use your hobby as it should be used: as an enjoyable past-time that can relax and inspire you to be better.