How To Make Paint Shaker Dropper Bottles for Miniatures

By Barclay Montgomery | September 27th, 2023 | Categories: Hobby Products, Product Review, Unboxing, Videos

How To Make Paint Shaker BottlesIt’s so easy! Check out this tutorial and review of how to make paint shaker dropper bottles for miniatures with Army Painter’s Agitator Mixing Balls!

Get ready to shake your paint bottles with the Army Painter Mixing Balls! These tiny little ball bearings will help you mix those paints with no mess! One thing to know: now all the Army Painter paints come with mixing balls already inside, but you can use them to make shaker bottles out of any paint you like the most!

How To Make Paint Shaker Dropper Bottles for Miniatures

Army Painter Mixing BallsThese are a super easy solution to keep your paints working well or even break up and get your older paint into working condition again.

Army Painter Mixing Balls $9.99

Army Painter Mixing Balls

Heavy pigment, old paint or a combination thereof: the Mixing Balls will make your paints perfect again. The 5.5 mm stainless steel high-grade Mixing Balls will blend medium and pigment perfectly together, with a few shakes of your paint bottle. 


The mixing balls come in a pack of 100 and are rust-proof. They are 5.5 mm stainless-steel high-grade ball bearings that can help you mix your paints together very well.

How to Use Them

How to make paint shaker bottlesSimply add the mixing balls to your desired paint pot, give it a good shake, and your paint will be mixed thoroughly in no time. Obviously, the older the paint, the longer you’ll have to mix it.

When you add a mixing ball to a paint pot, a very satisfying clink can be heard when you shake it!

Transferring Citadel Contrast Paints to Dropper Bottles DecantTUTORIAL: Transferring Citadel Paints to Dropper Bottles: Decant

Army Painter Mixing BallsPeople get worried about the mixing balls rusting, but we haven’t had any issues so far. We even added salt water to them to see if they would corrode, and the mixing balls stood up well to the test!

However, this can be used for more than just keeping paint in working condition. It’s also perfect for making your paint mixtures for miniatures too!

Mixing Custom Paint Colors

How To Make Paint Shaker Bottles 2Rob uses this mixture of silver and gold all the time, so instead of mixing up the paint every single time he wants to use it, get the right mixture, throw it into an empty dropper bottle, add the balls, and shake! This will save you a ton of time over the long run, and these mixing balls are perfect for creating your own colors.

If you’re doing this for an entire army, this saves you a crazy amount of time.

Try the Army Painter mixing balls today to stretch your hobby dollar further and not ruin your paint!

Click Here to Get Your Paint Mixing Balls!

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