How to Paint Bones Quick & Easy

By Drago | February 22nd, 2018 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

sioux warchief bone 3

Painting bones can be a delicate process, especially on models with delicate details. Take a look at this quick and easy way to paint up bone and still get all those details to pop!

The Native American Sioux Warchief from Old Guard Miniatures is coming along, with the leather and feathers both being completed. Time to create the bone armor effects and bring out that awesome, historical look. To check out the entire tutorial, be sure to scroll down and press play on the video below!

sioux warchief

Starting out, mix P3 colors Meaty Ochre and Menoth White Highlight and lightly brushed over the bone armor detail. Adding in the Meaty Ochre gives a great undertone to the bone color, adding more realism and depth to the bone itself. When working with small details, working in thin coats is important to prevent the details from being muddied or clumped with thick paints. With more Menoth White Highlight added to the mixture, work up and thinly over the base, slowly bringing up highlights.

sioux warchief bone

With Army Painter Quickshade washes Mid Brown and Light Tone mixed together with some Quickshade Mixing Medium, apply shadows with very light dabbing over the bone sections. Using very light coats, several as needed, to not overdo the entire feel. Adding Strong Tone to the mix will darken things out. Add thin coats by pinpointing with the brush exactly where you want it to go. Menoth White Highlight is used to drybrush over the dried bone, adding quick highlight and brushing in one direction. The drybrush helps give a more natural look to the bone effect as well.

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Vallejo Game Color Earth and P3 Meaty Ochre are mixed together to highlight the leathers, adding very thin glazed highlights, staining it to a lighter color, to stay busy while washes are drying. Sanguine Red Base from P3 is used to add details inside the bone armor sections, giving a great way to stand out. Mephiston Red by GW is added to highlight the reds in very light skinny lines. Exile Blue from P3 is also used to flesh out and line the details. Verdigris Blue by Secret Weapon is then used to highlight the Exile Blue.

There you have it, the super quick way of getting some great bone armor and detail-work on models. Be sure to check out the entire process by pressing play on the video below!