Painting Space Wolves Grey, The Easy Way

By Drago | November 2nd, 2017 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Space Wolves, Videos

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Space Wolves have been seen rocking quite a bit of blue armour. Take a look at this great way to paint them grey and have your Vlka Fenryka looking amazing!

Geigor Fell Hand is a great character model with tons of detail, released in the Burning of Prospero game. Here, he is painted with grey tones to bring out a grimmer version of the current Space Wolves and show their battle-ready side.

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To see the entire process, and some extra tips, scroll down and press play on the video below!

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P3 Thamar Black and Gravedigger Denim are mixed together in the airbrush to apply a bluish black highlight to the model. Pure Gravedigger Denim is added next to bring up the highlight even more, feathering in to make sure the application is thin and maintain a good transition.

Sickly Skin is added on top to shoe the light shining off top of shoulder pads, grieves, and give that very bright highlight. While this is a great way to have a good, bright, Space Wolf army, and works quite well, but in this case we’re taking the highlights high then dropping things back down with a wash.

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With some airbrush thinner and Gloss Varnish from Army Painter, a few thin coats over the top puts a nice protective gloss coat on the model. The Gloss Varnish in thin coats will help set the transitions. Spray the model in thin coats until it has a wet look, but if you start seeing white, the varnish is too thick.

Finally, Army Painter Quick Shade Medium is mixed with Dark Tone and Blue Tone washes from Army Painter to create a dark wash with a blue hue. Applied to the model with the Gloss Varnish, the wash flows into the crevices without staying on the flat surfaces and preventing discoloration. Apply this thick over the entire model and the color will saturate and blend really well.

This simple, quick way of painting the bluish grey of Space Wolf armor, works very well, especially when painting on the assembly line. To see the entire process, be sure to press play on the video below!