How To Trap Warhammer 40k Units in Combat

By Barclay Montgomery | December 27th, 2018 | Categories: Tactics, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

Learn from one of the best, as 40k Champ Sean Nayden breaks down how to use easy tactics to trap units in combat in Warhammer 40,000!

Sean Nayden, 40k Champ, is bringing you another awesome tactics video, detailing how to trap units in combat in Warhammer 40,000. Tri-tipping or combat locking at its core is taking three (or more) models, and forming a triangle around your opponent’s models.

How To Trap Warhammer 40k Units in Combat

At the end of the Combat Phase in Warhammer 40,000, if you have three models arranged around a single model so that no space between any of your 3 models is large enough for the base of their model to slide through, they can’t leave combat during their next turn, and can prevent your models from essentially getting shot in the Shooting Phase of the subsequent enemy turn.

No falling back for that marine above means the Guardians won’t get shot now from the Marines.  This is a key of 8th Edition 40k, and can help you protect your models.


How To Trap Warhammer 40k Units in CombatAny model can be tri-tipped or combat locked. The key, regardless of base size, is to notice the center point on any of these bases, and arrange your models to prevent any wiggle room on the enemy model. Weirdly based models will take a little extra geometric thinking to make sure that you tri-tip effectively. What makes it a little difficult is the various vehicles that have no bases.


How To Trap Warhammer 40k Units in CombatThe key to tri-tipping vehicles is taking into account where the contact points are on the vehicle. Rhinos, Leman Russ tanks, and Baneblades have recessed banks on their tank treads. Your models can slip under their tank treads to prevent these vehicle models from rotating and moving and ultimately leaving combat. Vehicles are perfect targets for tri-tipping since they are less effective in combat and can go a long way in keeping your own models safe and locking your enemy down effectively.

How To Trap Warhammer 40k Units in Combat

Getting your charges down with proper spacing, preventing your models from touching the bases of your selected enemy target can give you the best chances of tri-tipping. Even a poor charge distance can be salvaged once you start to pile in on your enemy targets.

Preventing your enemy from escaping your trap can keep your models from getting shot to pieces in Warhammer 40,000!

Juice has teamed up with 40k Champ Sean Nayden to bring you personalized help with your tabletop game! Check out their new Battle Brothers Tactics page for all the juicy details

battle brothers tactics

Battle Brothers Tactics