How to Weather The Admech Skorpius Disintegrator

jon bius weathering skorpiusDon’t miss how to weather the Skorpius Disintegrator tank that now comes in the Admech Start Collecting set- it’s a real value.

JonBius puts out some pretty good modeling content! He recently did an entire series on building and getting the Skorpius Disintegrator to the best he can get it. As someone who builds models occasionally, I could really learn some stuff from him, even though this is pretty focused on new hobbyists.

Watch the video below for tips and even some extra steps that’ll make your model look like a pro did it!

How to Weather The Admech Skorpius Disintegrator

After getting the model to a reasonable point, as we discussed while looking at his first video here, we can begin the weathering process! We also have an article that looks at the new Admech Start Collecting Value breakdown if you’re thinking of picking up this box set.

cleaning up panelsStarting with MIG Dark Wash and with a thin brush, try to just line panels and hard lines around hatches around the model to make them pop. If you messed up or got a little sloppy in some areas, use some odorless thinner to patch them up.

deep cutsNext, move onto the chipping process. Take Citadel Wild Rider Red and take a dry brushing approach but with a sponge. Gently dab the sponge along the edges. Then take a thin brush and add streaks to mimic scratches. After that take Vallejo Chipping Brown and go into the larger streaks to emphasize a deeper cut.

flicked mudUsing Vallejo Marrow Brown Wash wash thinned-down streaks form the top-down all over the sides. Take some Vallejo European Dust Wash and even thinner streaks in the same areas. Next, take Airbrush thinner, Glaze Medium, and Vallejo Orange RustRust, and Light Rust. With these, make three mixtures, each with 2 drops of thinner, 2 drops of the medium, and one drop of the respective rust.

Then lightly add some streaks of the mixtures to mimic rusting. To add some earthy elements to the effects, add some Vallejo pigments and Citadel Lamian Medium to the washes. Dip your brush in them and using a toothpick, flick the new mixture onto the mini.

disentigrator doneVallejo Neutral Grey is a good option to sponge weather like before except this time, focus it around the black areas. At this point, you can also take pure black and darken up some shadows if you want to.

With that, you are done for now! The model is completely weathered and finished!  Be sure to subscribe to Jonbius for more hobby tutorials on everything from Airplanes to Warhammer!

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