Imperial Assassin & Knight Pilot Alternatives to Forge World

Assassins are infiltrating our tabletops from Wargame Exclusive right now! Come and see these fantastic new models for your Imperial assassination missions.

Wargame Exclusive is the hot miniatures company to check out these days. Their sculpts are always top-notch and can be used in a variety of tabletop games. Their resin models are well made and compare to other miniature line ups on the market today at super affordable prices.

Let’s dive in and take a look at the latest assassin models from Wargame Exclusive. 
WGE Assassins Unboxing

Compared to Games Workshop miniatures, Wargame Exclusive’s line of miniatures is definitely more affordable. Grabbing a few models at the same price point as one model from Games Workshop definitely will help stretch your hobby dollars. We haven’t seen a bad cast yet from them!

Imperial Blank Assassin $22.44

WGE Assassins Unboxing

The Imperial Blank Assassin is definitely channeling her inner Culexus Assassin. This supremely detailed resin model has plenty of detail and comes with a sculpted scenery base. The skull-faced mask is particularly striking and will look very nice once this model gets painted up. The 32 mm base measures up to Primaris Space Marine sized with the scenic base.

Imperial Polymorph Assassin $22.44

WGE Assassins Unboxing

The Imperial Polymorph Assassin is diving into the battle, ready to strike. The sculpted hair of the Polymorph looks fantastic and weaves into a double helix pattern! Dynamic scenery tops the base of this model and would fit perfectly as a Callidus Assassin.

Imperial H.Q. Assassin $22.44

WGE Assassins Unboxing

The Imperial HQ Assassin is the Emperor’s little monster! This little assassin that could is in a fantastic taunting pose, ready to bash the enemies of the Imperium. The power maul over the shoulders is a nice touch for this model.

Be sure to check out Wargame Exclusive for your “counts as” tabletop miniature needs.

Models provided for promotion & review