More Orcs For Orktober: 3D Art Digital Unboxing

By Drago | November 1st, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Product Review, Videos

Looking for orcs and goblins in both heroic and large scales? Check out these amazingly detailed miniatures from 3D Art Digital!

3D Art Digital has amazingly detailed resin orcs and goblins that are perfect centerpieces for any fantasy lover’s collection. These models come in both 28mm heroic scale as well as 155mm scale and are abundant with detail.

Take a look at this quick overview of two 3D Art Digital offerings and be sure to watch the entire review below!

Ork Raider $54.99

3d orc raider

Orcs hunger to dominate and destroy those who are weaker and often form raiding parties to do just that. This Orc sizes up his potential prey, a massive blade ready to split heads and earn glory.

The amount of detail in this model is fantastic, including scars on the skin, leatherwork, twine, and other details. Each socket for this raider has spots for magnets set up. Overall, the model is fantastic and can be used for multiple things. Each model comes with very detailed instructions on how to assemble them, which helps for the chains and how to clip them on without glue.

28mm Bundle Deal $54.61

Get a bundle at the best price. The set includes 2 orcs (Orc Warlord with ADD-ONS and Orc Raider) and 2 goblins (Goblin Archer and Goblin Garr Jawbreaker ).

The Heroic Scale 28mm bundle deal includes four models that are quite detailed like the larger versions. Some detail is toned down a little, but still intricate in the smaller version. Each miniature comes with a fold-out guide on assembly. For the Orc Warlord, he comes with both hammer and ax options as well as all the armor options. Each one has a scenic base as well. Overall, these are fantastic resin models with amazing detail.

To see more amazing orc miniatures, be sure to check out 3D Art Digital. Be sure to watch the entire video below to see the entire review!