Come see the latest guide to the Horus Heresy, AND the newest caster for Chaos- the Gaunt Sorcerer!
This issue was a little bit of filler, but still manage to even out content wise because of the inclusion of a new Horus Heresy novel guide, and a great Paint Splatter article on the Gaunt Sorcerer himself.
Via Games Workshop
White Dwarf 98 arrives like a book of secrets – and upon its forbidden pages, the Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch!
Who is this willowy wizard of wicked power? As ever, White Dwarf provides all manner of forbidden knowledge, including a full painting guide and warscroll.
Elsewhere, we have a brutal confrontation between no lesser beings than the Everchosen and the Supreme Lord of the Undead, ’Eavy Metal (creatures of near god-like power themselves, of course), a look at one of the very finest entries from Golden Demon: Tanks, and the concluding part of our massive, all-encompassing guide to the Black Library’s Horus Heresy series.
How on earth did we fit all this in?
“An exclusive mission for Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth”
Overall not a bad issue for a “filler” week.
New Tzeentch Sorcerer White Dwarf #98 Review
Long War Episode 30- How to Hobby During The Holidays