Happy Birthday White Dwarf, and happy awakening to the Necrons who are exploding onto the scene in the latest issue.
White Dwarf turns ‘1’ today, and is crammed packed with new Necron and Hobbit releases as well as a great paint splatter article and more!
The White Council makes it’s debut (in battle forms) with their new releases and this issue also has a sweet “Dark Necromancer’ mission to use with them to create the epic Nazgul / / Sauron mini battle at Dol Guldur.
Necrons come in hot with a new formation, Decurion rules, and a great Overlord paint splatter to boot.
Alas it looks like this is it for the Necrons, as the issue hints at Harlequins being the next releases for February!
Get your first and last helping of new NECRONS in my first look review below, and check back next week for a first look at the New Harlequins!