New Necrons & Skaven – WD #51 Review

By Rob Baer | January 19th, 2015 | Categories: Product Review, Videos, White Dwarf

SkavenStormfiendsBox (1)

The rats are coming, and they’ve brought their friends. Big bad rat ogres with guns that is.

White Dwarf Issue 51 is here, and it’s chock full of furry End Times madness!


Plus if you haven’t heard, the teaser predicted an ‘Ancient Evil Awakening’ which turned our to be the new Necron release that had been rumored since December.

If you’re into the End Times / Skaven this a great issue for you. It has the rules for the new Stormfiends, as well as tons of fluff and features for the new Thanquol book.


For you hard core 40k enthusiasts though, it doesn’t really bring much to the table.

There is however another great Paint Splatter article that runs the gamut on techniques once again.  From armor to warpstone, it has you covered!

Get your dose of the End Times in my first look review below, and checkback next week for a first look at the new Necrons!