New Ogor Beastclaw Raiders Battletome Tips & Tactics

By Zeb Barrett | September 6th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Ogor Mawtribes, Videos

beastclaw raiders

This new tips and tricks video on the Beastclaw Raiders will have you rushing out to get your own Ogor army! Check it out!

The Beastclaw Raiders

One of the newer Battle Tomes and forces of the Age of Sigmar. They are a low model army that is tough as nails on the battlefield.

beastclaw raiders tips and tactics

There are a lot of great Magical Artifacts the Beastclaw Raiders can take. Our personal favorite, however, is The Pelt of Charngar. This allows you to roll a dice during your hero phase. On a 1-3 the bearer heals 1 wound, on a 4-6 the bearer heals D3 wounds!

beastclaw raiders tips and tactics

The Jorlbad Warscroll Battlion allows two things. Run and charge in the same turn, (which is incredible), and re-rolling failed battleshock tests for all Beastclaw Raider units within 12″.

beastclaw raiders tips and tactics

There are only ten warscrolls for the Beastclaw Raiders. What they lack in numbers they make up for in toughness. The Frostlord on Stonehorn can take a massive amount of damage but still dish it out.

Check out our latest tips and tactics video on the Beastclaw Raiders to get some insight on these war beasts and don’t forget to smash that Subscribe Button!