Dragons, Vampires, Evil Robots, and hobbits – the latest issue of White Dwarf is here and it may just have it all!
White Dwarf #46 comes to us pre-bagged this week with a 32 page Hobbit supplement updating that game with the rules for the latest figures (like Smaug!).
It’s a pretty cool read, but not knowing a lot about the game makes it kinda hard for making educated comments, except that 20 wounds for Smaug seems like a lot perhaps?
The White Dwarf team also showcases the new Blood Angels Terminators and Shield of Baal: Exterminatus , the new releases for December 20th, along with new Black Library and Forge World items as well.
Paint Splatter was once again on point this issue featuring fantastic new guides for both the Flesh Tearers, and the Necrons!
Plus there was also a pretty substantial Blood Angels vs. Tyranids Battle report as well too boot!
Content wise they brought us a neat Dataslate for the Flesh Tearers also that was nice to see those guys getting some love outside the new Blood Angels Codex.
Coming next week looks to be some additional dataslates for Shield of Baal, and if the rumors hold true a preview of the new Necron Codex!
Check it all out below in my first look video review of the new magazine! -MBG