One Big Trick To Make Airbrushed Models Look Better!

fade your airbrushed models

Now that you’ve seen how to airbrush miniatures, come and learn from the hobby man himself on how to make those models look even better! 

Army Painter Golds look amazing when they are airbrushed, but can look even better with a glaze that gives them depth and contrast, as well as shades all the layers of airbrushing together.

painted telemon Custodes Dreadnought

To start fading anything gold, use about 4 parts Army Painter Flesh Wash and one part Purple Tone.

Use your palette to mix them together, just adding a touch of the Purple Tone. This will accentuate the gold armor of this model and the same mix even works well with other models too, such as anything rotted like Nurgle for instance.

fade your airbrushed modelsQuick Shade Washing Medium, also from Army Painter, is needed to mix and thin your washes together.   You’re going for a “chocolate milk” consistency with your paint mix on your palette, so you may have to add equal parts of medium or more to your wash mix to achieve this.

A small to medium chisel brush will work well for focusing on the Eagle Palentine and detailing on this model. Since this model is bigger than the usual troop sized models, the contrast in the shaded areas will be more pronounced.fade your airbrushed models Once you start your shading, it will pull out the richness of the gold paint on the armor. Be careful not to leave any globs of shade in the recesses. Always go back with a clean wet brush and dab them out.

fade your airbrushed models

Dark Tone (or Nuln Oil) with equal parts Quick Shade will help put depth and richness as well in the dark metal portions in the joints of the armor. Don’t forget that a few light coats of the glaze will go a long way in keeping the tone down and avoiding a “coffee stain” effect on your model.

With the mix we have here in the video, we will need at least one other coat to get our shading just where we want it.

painted telemon Custodes Dreadnought

For the reds, we did the same thing but with Strong Tone (or Agrax Earthshade) mixed to a glaze and applied with a larger chisel tip brush

painted telemon Custodes Dreadnought

And there you have it, folks! Be sure to check out the Spikey Bits Twitch stream and head over to the Long War if you aren’t a member yet to get exclusive video tutorials on all the latest hobby and painting techniques to keep you in the trenches of the hobby world.


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