Orks Resin Alternatives to Games Workshop

By Barclay Montgomery | October 13th, 2019 | Categories: Product Review, Videos, Wargame Exclusive

WGE Orks UnboxingGet ready to rock and WAAAGH with these new Orky models! The resin WAAAGH is upon us from the masterminds at Wargame Exclusive. Gork and Mork save us!

Wargame Exclusive is the place to go for amazing models at affordable prices. Their latest Ork releases have us ready for the resin WAAAGH! All of the Orky bits a Big Mek could desire are all on their website, so let’s get to lootin’ boyz!!

WGE OrksThe Wargame Exclusive Orks look great for Nob or character models. Tons of upgrades and conversion sets for the greenskins are listed for sale. Plus as always their website is easy to use and can get your models delivered to you in about 2 weeks.

WGE OrksThe quality of these resin miniatures is fantastic. Wargame Exclusive always has great Orky bits and you can even custom mix and max your own Cyborks. Building your own Cyborks will have your Big Mek giving you the WAAGH of approval.

WGE Orks

Ork Mekanik Warboss $22.16

Ork Mekanik Warboss Badmood is one of their newer releases and he’s ready for action! The detail work on this miniature is astounding and worthy of a Big Mek Warboss. His Cybork armor is dripping with gubbinz and wires everywhere. Great style and Ork bionic on this model.
WGE Orks

Wargame Exclusive has a ton of great Orky bits for you hobby maniacs. Custom squad building, Ork bits, and huge Warbosses await on their website. Get yours now for the next WAAAGH!!!

Models provided for promotion & review

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.