Painting Chaos Iron Warriors Fast & Easy

By Drago | November 9th, 2017 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Iron Warriors, Next Level Painting, Videos

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Metallic paint can look daunting, but is secretly easy. Iron Warriors for Chaos can be fantastic and easy to paint up in less than a day.

Painting up Chaos Warriors in the Iron Warriors color scheme doesn’t have to be daunting. Using an airbrush, Scale 75 metallic paints, and the Army Painter paints, they can be done quickly…and still look absolutely amazing. To see the entire process, be sure to scroll down and press play on the video below!

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First, the model is primed using The Army Painter’s Plate Male rattlecan primer. Scale 75 Black Metal in the airbrush is then sprayed over the primer in thin coats to give a good, dark metal look with a great undertone. Scale 75 paints are perfect to airbrush with, easy to learn airbrush metallics with. Scale 75 Heavy Metal is then added and applied over the dark to create pocket highlights, helping to create transitions. Metallic paints are shiny on their own, but building in highlights still gives the model a great pop. The last step is continuing with pure Heavy Metal.

After the combo is completely dried, add a few more thin spots of Scale 75 Heavy Metal to add a stronger transition. When working really thin with the airbrush, this step may need to be repeated as the coats dry to build up the transitions where you want them to be.

Scale 75 Victorian Brass is then thinned down and added to the trim bits. To really get that fantastic gold tone, painting silver under helps maximize the color of gold itself. Larger areas, such as the large Chaos star on the back, may take two coats or more to make a solid gold. This stage can be long due to the amount of trim, but the ending result is completely worth the time to paint each bit of trim. Scale 75 Dwarven Gold is then glazed into peaks and on some edges to add a bright highlight to the gold. This step is taking that gold to an 11 before applying wash to bring the model to a solid 10.

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For the wash, the first step is to apply Gloss Varnish (by Vallejo) to the model to help break up the surface tension and prevent the wash from staining. Next, Army Painter Quickshade Wash Mixing Medium and Dark Tone are mixed and applied to the entire model. The wash can be easily manipulated around the entire model during this stage, so it doesn’t pool up heavily, but also to help it find all the crevices. When dry, the effect is fantastic and creates a great, ready for the table model that can even have more detail added!

There it is! Easy Iron Warriors paint scheme and it looks amazing for the table. Sometimes, sub-assembly is best and, for a Maulerfiend, it is highly recommended. To see the entire process, be sure to press play on the video below!