Painting Chronicle X as Hulk Hogan

By Drago | March 15th, 2018 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

hulk chronicle X hogan painting

The aliens invading the board game Chronicle X should be quaking in fear from this member of the opposition. Come see how to paint some classic Hulk Hogan colors.

The folks at Archon Studio released a Kickstarter earlier this year called Chronicle X, a board game featuring some awesome miniature models with the potential to be anything. This tutorial goes through how to finish painting up one of these minis using the classic Hulk Hogan costume colors.

hulk hogan chronicle xWith the base colors placed, which you can watch via Twitch VOD and on Patreon, time to take it to the next level. Take a look at this quick overview then be sure to scroll down and press play on the video below!

hulk hogan chronicle x nlp

First, getting more dimension on the base. Using the Army Painter wash system, Strong Tone is put down first to apply shadows to the oranges colors and enhance everything. Green Tone and Dark Tone are mixed together and applied to all the teals.

hulk hogan chronicle x nlp 2

Black, flow improver, and Slowfuse White is added to the airbrush and sprayed onto the gun to start building transitions. More white is added and sprayed onto the brighter areas, with the final level being pure white. This creates a smooth transition towards the edge with little to no speckling. Using the same paint, create highlights on the shoulder pads as well.

hulk hogan chronicle x finished

Midlund Flesh and Sanguine Base from P3 are brushed over the skin, glazing up the mid tones. Midlund Flesh is added up on its own, bringing up the highlights. Meaty Ochre by P3 is also used to build up the hair. Carefully, using a small brush, the same color is used to cut in the mustache. The face and hair are then washed with Flesh Shade wash by Army Painter. After washing, dot lightly in some final highlights with Midlund Flesh and add final touches with Sanguine Base.

He’s resembling Hulk Hogan quite a bit there! Be sure to check out the entire tutorial by pressing play on the video below!