Painting Ogre Ogor Flesh Airbrush Tutorial

By Barclay Montgomery | September 10th, 2019 | Categories: Airbrushing, painting miniatures, Videos

Painting Ogre Ogor Flesh Airbrush Tutorial

Jack of Clubs painting is back with another tutorial that aims to tackle ogre flesh. The Age of Sigmar mercenaries will rise again with these Man-Eaters!

Jack of Clubs is bringing you some more painting knowledge with this Ogre flesh tutorial. This airbrush quickie uses some Ogre Ninjas to serve as a mercenary group, so we need to paint up their skin. This is the prefect tutorial to check out if you are looking to paint some dark skin tones on your models. Let’s get painting!

Ogor Flesh

StynlreZ Ebony Flesh Primer is our base layer for our Ogre Ninjas. Lightly prime your models in a few quick coats so the primer has a nice bond. Take it slow and steady, especially when priming a metal or resin miniature. Next up, some Citadel Knight Questor Flesh acts as a highlight for our darker skin tone. Lightly spray your  model at all angles, but leave some darker tones in the recesses.

Ogor Flesh

Pro Acryl Golden Brown is the next highlight for our Ogre flesh. Mix this in a 50/50 mix with the Knight Questor Flesh. Make sure to hit the raised areas, such as the big belly, knuckles, and toes. Bring out those details! Pro Acryl Ivory follows after that to brighten up the dominant details.

Ogor Flesh

Next, a Vallejo Matte Varnish acts as a sealant to keep our paint nice and set. A glaze to give the model depth will follow up after that, but make sure your varnish is dry. Army Painter Strong Tone and Soft Tone go on your models to get a light skin tone glaze. Make sure to get it in all the details and mix in some wash medium so you don’t have any “coffee staining”.

Ogor Flesh

And that’s how you get that Ninja Ogre flesh tone done! Stay tuned for more tutorials on all the latest painting tips and tutorials to accent your hobby time.

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