Painting Space Wolves & Unique Snow Base

By Barclay Montgomery | October 1st, 2019 | Categories: Basing, Videos

snow base squidmar

Get ready to stay cool with one of the best icy base tutorials ever! The Space Wolves homeworld is the inspiration for this diorama model painting tutorial.

We are keeping it icy this time with a Space Wolf terrain tutorial. This tutorial will be the basis of a competition painting piece. Getting the details exactly right is a time-consuming process, but it is well worth the effort. Let’s start off with the face of this Space Wolf character.

snow base squidmar painting faces

First up is Bugman’s Glow to start the skin highlighting up to Kislev Flesh, Cadian Fleshtone, and Pale Flesh. Painting up the non-metallic metal pieces consists of Gold Brown, Mournfang Brown, Flash Gitz Yellow, and Rhinox Hide.

Painting Space Wolves & EPIC SNOW BASE

When painting non-metallic metal the main focus goes to where the highlights go. Dark Sea Blue and Stegadon Scale Green and the two colors that make the armor really shine for this Space Wolf.

Painting Space Wolves & EPIC SNOW BASE

The base of this Space Wolf is a custom-made 3D print. A slain Primaris Marine lies dead at the bottom of the base. A collection of molded resin pieces and cork make a fantastic icy rock base.

Painting Space Wolves & EPIC SNOW BASE

The paints for the icy rocks naturally goes with Fenris Grey and Dark Sea Blue in the recesses. To create the ice on the base, Green Stuff World UV Resin is fantastic.

Painting Space Wolves & EPIC SNOW BASE

Once the resin is nice and cured, the edges are sanded to create a frosty look.

Squidmar Miniatures is a great place to learn all kinds of painting techniques!  Be sure to subscribe to Squidmar Miniatures YouTube channel for more tutorials.

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