Quick Way To Paint Red Armor For Farsight Tau Battlesuits

easy red armor airbrush tutorialWyatt’s back with some more paint tips! This time he’s helping us out by showing us a quick way to paint red armor color for Farsight Tau Battlesuits fast with the airbrush!

Jack of Clubs Painting is a regular here and normally shows us how to paint our favorite models. This time though, he’s giving us some advice on painting red armor for a Farsight battlesuit.

Watch Jack of Clubs Painting

Let’s see what he does.

Quick Way To Paint Red Armor For Farsight Tau Battlesuits

tau primedStart with a simple flat black primed model.

coated ghostkeelUse any red-brown primer next to get a light shade. Next, use Pro Acryl Bold Titanium White and pre shade/highlight the top sides of the model. Next, use Ammo by MIG Red and Airbrush Medium to lightly coat the whole model.

Ghost keel doneNext, take Ammo by MIG Orange and Airbrush Medium to lightly cover up the pink areas. Follow that up with another coat of Ammo by MIG Red and Airbrush Medium. Lastly, take your choice of varnish and you are done with the base of your red armor!

With that, the painting is done! If you want to hear more of his insights, watch the full video below!

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