Rainbow of Tufts Save You Hobby Time: Gamers Grass Review

By Barclay Montgomery | May 16th, 2019 | Categories: Basing, Product Review, Unboxing, Videos

Gamers Grass Tufts

Need more time for playing? We show you how to use and apply these Gamers Grass super colorful tuft sets to your bases!

Gamers Grass is stepping up their basing offering with more tufts! They already have an amazing lineup of battle-ready bases, they even have tufts of all different sizes, shapes, and colors. Grab some to add to your bases and your models will be looking pro in no time.

Marshland Set $10.59

Gamers Grass Tufts

These tuft sets are pretty big and come with plenty of quantity to add to your bases. A standard Ork model is about half as tall as some of these tufts. Tufts can be used as accent pieces for your model bases. They come in a few different sizes so that you can stagger them to get a real terrain look and feel.

Mixed Flowers Set $14.80

The Mixed Flowers set comes with a variety of colors to add to your bases. Adding a few flowers can make even the grumpiest of Grey Knights feel much better. The Gamers Grass flowers are even better than previous basing options for pretty flowers.

Gamers Grass Tufts

There are even burnt tufts to add a more realistic battleground feel for your bases. Once you have picked out your specific tufty needs for your bases, you have to plan out where you are going to put your tufts or flowers. Just follow these easy steps to get your bases tufted!

Gamers Grass Tufts

The first step is to determine where your model’s feet are going to be placed on the base. Once you have planned it out, work around the feet areas by adding your tufts. The next step is to get out your tools, to include a pair of tweezers, a hobby knife, and some PVA (Elmer’s) glue. The tufts are already pre-fit with adhesive, but the PVA glue adds a more permanent fix.

Gamers Grass Tufts

Follow these steps and you’ll have a beautifully tufted base! If you are looking for basing accessories for your miniature hobby needs, check out Gamers Grass.

Tufts provided for promotion and review.