Rescuing a Lord of Plagues: Chaos Nurgle Painting Tutorial

Rescuing a Lord of Plagues Chaos Nurgle Painting TutorialeBay Miniature Rescues is back with another painting tutorial and this time he’s tackling the imposing Nurgle Lord of Plagues miniature!

eBay Miniature Rescues is a unique channel that shows you how to take beat up, or damaged minis and restore them to their fullest potential! It’s a relatively new channel on YouTube and it’s super fun to watch what Casey is able to do with some once hopeless miniatures.

This week, he shows us how you can paint your own Lord of Plagues model!

Rescuing a Lord of Plagues: Chaos Nurgle Painting Tutorial

primed lopStart off with a simple solid black primer all over the model. Then, with a white primer, focus on the skin; sort of like a zenithal highlight.

lop armorUsing Citadel Death World Forest, essentially glaze it over all the armor to help keep those transitions between black and white to add some diversity in the color. Then, with Citadel Elysian Green, you can add some accents around the armor. This is similar to edge highlights, but not as precise. Then come in with Citadel Ogyrn Camo and be a little more precise with the highlighting.

Moving onto the skin, Wash it with Citadel Reikland Fleshshade. While that dries, base the axe head and chainmail with Citadel Rhinox Hide. Then use Citadel Mournfang Brown for the handle and leather straps. Use P3 Menoth White Base for the skulls hanging around his waist and the horn on his helmet.Plague SkinWash stressed areas of skin, like edges near the armor or straps, with Citadel Druchii Violet. Base the guts and sores with Citadel Screamer Pink. Citadel Moot Green paint makes a great base for the goo on his belly. Use Citadel Screaming Bell on all the marks of Nurgle. Then wash over everything excluding the skin with Citadel Aggrax Earthshade.

Using Citadel Skrag Brown paint the highlights for the leather. Then stipple Citadel Kislev Flesh over the leather very lightly. Then, with Citadel Averland Sunset paint the center of the pus bulbs and the middle of the stomach goo. Use a little bit of Citadel Skrag Brown as a sort of mock rust on some of the holes in the armor.

Plague Skin 2Then with some Citadel Nihilakh Oxide add more weathering in a similar fashion to the Skrag Brown rust effect. Drybrush P3 Radiant Platinum over most of the metallics. With Citadel Seraphim Sepia wash the three shoulder horns.

lop washedThen with Citadel Pallid Wych Flesh edge highlight all of the sores on the skin. Add some Citadel Blood for the Blood God to the guts and sores around the body. Sponge on some Skrag Brown followed by Citadel Fire Drag Bright on the axe head to really sell a nice rust effect. Then using that same sponge apply some P3 Platinumto the blade edge.

lop doneComing back with Nihilakh Oxide apply it to some of the larger holes in the axe. To finish the model, just highlight the tips of the shoulder spikes with Vallejo Burnt Umber and you’re done!

Watch the full video, and be sure to follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!

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