Runewars Heavy Unit Expansions: Review

By Drago | June 9th, 2018 | Categories: Fantasy Flight Games, Product Review, Runewars, Videos

runewars crossbowmen and death knightsThe Waiqar and Daqan have recruited some fearsome and mighty units to expand their armies in their never-ending battle for domination!

Runewars’ Daqan and Waiqar factions have new models that are pretty neat, bringing in some great new mechanics and abilities. The Daqan get the slow but steady Heavy Crossbowmen, while the Waiqar get the fear-inducing Death Knights. Take a look at this quick summary of the unboxing and check out the full review by scrolling down and pressing play on the video below!

Heavy Crossbowmen Expansion $24.95

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runewars heavy crossbowmen unboxingParagons of disciplined training and wielders of some of the most sophisticated military weaponry available, the heavy crossbowmen of the Daqan Baronies represent one of the greatest defensive forces in Terrinoth. Armed with specially designed bulwark shields and heavy crossbows, these warriors can withstand even the fiercest hail of enemy fire while unleashing their own torrent of death.

The Heavy Crossbowmen box comes with command dials, five upgrade cards plus the unit card, movement trays, the minis, and rules. The command dials show the unit is slow, initiative three, rally and shift at a six, move at a five, ranged attack at a four, and have an extra surge ability.  The model also has damage pool and protected one, meaning they subtract one from the damage pool. They have one armour and one wound each, and their surge ability adds a mortal strike if the defender is at range 1-3. The models come in several bags, with each bag having the same pose. While they have a few mold lines to clean up, but otherwise the models are easy to push-fit together. Upgrade cards, three are generic while two are specific to the Daqan.

Death Knight Expansion $24.95

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Relentless and devoid of mercy, the Death Knights of Waiqar the Undying serve their master with vicious efficiency. Riding on the fore of an endless army of the undead, the Death Knights are the first sight the enemies of Waiqar witness in battle, as well as the last thing they see before suffering a brutal death.

Waiqar are getting the new calvary unit Death Knights. They come with command card and dials, five upgrade cards, unit card, condition card (new mechanic), movement trays, and the models in bags. The command dial shows mortal strike on the modifier dial, as well as double move and other neat abilities. The command dial shows a rally ability, slow movement and low initiative. They have three armour and one wound each, plus the steadfast (fear) ability. The new mechanic rules: conditions, states:

Each condition a unit receives is represented by a token that is placed near that unity on the play area and a card that explains the effect is placed near that unit’s upgrades.

When a new unit is receiving the condition, the first must be discarded. Both condition card and token are discarded and units cannot receive the same condition multiple times at once. Model-wise, the slots are unique for each model so assembly is easy. Upgrade cards include two Waiqar only and three generic cards. The condition is Death Grasp: “before each end phase, you suffer stable energy wounds.”

To check out the other units in each faction, as well as more information for Runewars, head over to Fantasy Flight Games. For the entire unboxing and review, be sure to press play on the video below!