Sanguinius’ Blood Angels Imperial Knight

blood angels knight sanguinius

If Sanguinius had a Imperial Knight with hand painted Blood Angels murals and magnetized weapon options, it would be this one!

The folks at Den of Imagination have done a fantastic job painting up this Blood Angels Knight. Take a look at this quick overview of some details and be sure to press play on the video below to see all the options available!

blood angels knight doi fullThe model has all weapon options magnetized, as well as magnets on the waist for rotating positions. With the magnetization on the knight, you can mix and match as needed for the list, whether you’re taking a Knight Errant  with a thermal cannon and reaper chainsword or taking the Knight Paladin with a rapid fire battle cannon. The Knight Warden option has the gatling cannon and reaper chainsword.

The Knight Gallant is the close combat specific knight, having the chainsword and Thunderstrike gauntlet, and the Knight Crusader has the Gatling cannon and thermal cannon. All options are available now, depending on what situation you are in and what specialization you want with the knights.

blood angels knight banner

blood angels knight torsoAs well as magnetization, the artists have added some freehand work of Sanguinius and banners on each of the pauldrons and banners. The amount of detail they put into the paint job is fantastic, especially with the aged metals and weathering while keeping everything bright overall.

Den of Imagination also freehanded some vehicle hatches in the Blood Angels theme. Their freehand is based on iconic chapter badges, including the grail, winged chalice, death company motif, and the classic winged blood drop. The detail and clean paint job is amszing on these and will definitely look fantastic with any Blood Angels army.

For more information on how you can commission Den of Imagination, swing by their website and tell them Spikey Bits sent you! See for yourself how detailed this knight is and all the neat weapon options by pressing play on the video below!

Painted to a quality 4/5 by Den of Imagination for promotion