Secrets to Painting Blood Angels Armor Red

By Drago | September 12th, 2018 | Categories: Airbrushing, Blood Angels, How To Tutorial, Videos

Blood Angels

Blood Angel red is simply achieved with a great workup and some easy freehand. Take a look at this method for getting your Blood Angels ready for battle!

Jack of Clubs Painting has some great tutorials on YouTube on how to get your miniatures looking fantastic with the airbrush.

Take a look at this quick tutorial to painting Blood Angels and making them look fantastic! Be sure to watch the video below for the entire tutorial!

Secrets to Painting Blood Angels Armor Red

blood angel red prime

First, prime the miniature black. Once primed and dry, start building the red using Vallejo Model Color Black Red all over the model.

blood angels red workup

Carmine Red by Vallejo Model Color is next. Spray it at a high angle over the Black Red in a thin layer. Don’t oversaturate the Carmine Red. This will help build a smooth transition between the reds.

Flat Red by Vallejo Model Color is sprayed over the top portions as a targeted highlight, bringing out the true-red tones.

blood angels highlights

Finally, target your highlight areas with the orange-red shade Wild Rider Red from Citadel. Focus on the very tips where the light will hit.

Be careful not to overspray the bright red so it doesn’t take away from the darker tones used. Use Vallejo Model Color Black and a paintbrush to block in the trim, joints, and crest as desired.

For the skull, use Scale 75 Thrash Metal to bring out a neat effect.

blood angels washed

Highlight the black areas with Vallejo Model Color Neutral Grey. Carefully pick out the details. With Wild Rider Red, edge highlight the armor panels and shoulder pads. Only catch the hard edges where the highlight will be the brightest.

When you’re done with the highlighting, wash the model with a mixture of Dark Tone, Red Tone, and Quickshade Mixing Medium from the Army Painter.

To see how to get the great company markings effects and to see the finished model, be sure to watch the entire video below! For more Jack of Clubs tutorials, check out his channel on Youtube.

You can also catch Jack of Clubs on Twitch four nights a week.

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