Sort Your Paints With Two Warlord Racks: REVIEW

By Drago | March 28th, 2018 | Categories: Hobby Products, Product Review, Videos, Warlord Games

warlords paint rack

The search for fantastic, versatile, paint racks is a never-ending quest, but Warlord Games offers two different sizes for paint racks, which are fantastic for storing a lot of paint in a small area.

Warlord Games offers some pretty interesting, and versatile, options for paint racks and portable hobby areas. With several options that can hold multiple brands of paint at once, they may work for different sized hobby areas and needs. Take a look at this quick overview then be sure to press play on the video below to read the entire review!

Large Paint Rack $32

warlords paint rack 2Able to hold over 70 pots of paint (or basing materials, glues, etc), it keeps everything all in one place – no more searching all over for that one elusive paint pot!

Every gamer needs somewhere to store their paints for ease of access and this laser-cut MDF paint rack has been specially designed by Sarissa Precision to hold all popular paint bottle sizes such as Army Painter, Vallejo, Citadel and Tamiya.

The two optional side tidies will fit at least twelve brushes, sculpting tools or other utensils.

The Large Paint Rack is 295mm (about 11″) in height, 308mm (about 12″) wide, and 210mm (about 8″) deep. The large rack holds 70 different paints, including dropper bottles upside down, and right side up pots from Citadel and P3. Approximately eight GW paint pots fit across in the rows, while there are slots for 10 dropper bottles per row.

The overall rack is sturdy if staying in one spot, though there is one piece in the back that can be weak if you are moving the rack around too much. Also, something to mention was the instructions were a little difficult to understand but they can still be assembled with a little bit of patience. The tool accessory pieces pop in easily onto the side and is great for holding your brushes.

Paint Rack (30 pot) $24.95

warlord small paint rackIt can comfortably hold up to 30 pots with two rows still being able for other useful hobby tools! Additionally on the sides are two holders capable of holding your paint brushes, glues, knifes and so forth. It has a large compartment on the top which can be used for generally anything!

The Small Paint Rack is 190mm (almost 8″) in height, 350mm (13″) wide, and 200mm (almost 8″) deep. It holds 30 different paints in the racks. There is a top shelf as well, that can hold more hobby supplies. Assembly-wise, there is some difficulty again, due to the instructions, but the accessory pieces snap into the side, but they do not come out as easily as the large paint rack.

Overall, the racks fit into small spaces very well and are a great option for storing paint.

They would not be portable at this point, due to the sturdiness, but work quite well if they aren’t being moved around a lot. All the Warlord Games items ship from the UK and come flat packed. The racks are made from laser cut MDF wood and need to be assembled. For more information and neat products, be sure to check out Warlord Games’ website.

Take a look at the entire review by pressing play on the video below!