Speed Painting Sisters of Battle

By Andrew Schrank | July 8th, 2020 | Categories: Sisters of Battle, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

speed painting tricks sisters of battleLearn how to paint your Sisters of Battle quickly with this speed painting tutorial from Wyatt at Jack of Clubs Painting.

Jack of Clubs Painting is a regular here and normally shows us how to paint our favorite models. This time though, he’s giving us some advice on quickly getting your own Sisters of Battle army ready to throw-down.

Follow along with the video for a detailed tutorial to get these minis done fast!

Speed Painting Sisters of Battle

The paints we’ll need are

Qucikly Paint Sisters of BattleFirst off, prime the model in a solid coat of Red-Brown. With Pro Acryl Olive Flesh, lightly coat over the brown base to allow it to peak through in the darkest areas. Pro Acryl Ivory will act as our first highlight of the robes. Pro Acryl Titanium White is the top-most highlight. At this point, you can also airbrush the base just to get all of the airbrushing down at once.

Basecoat that with Pro Acryl Dark Grey Blue, followed by a Pro Acryl Warm Grey and Pro Acryl Light Neutral Grey highlight.

Qucikly Paint Sisters of BattleMoving onto the metals, use a 50-50 mix of Pro Acryl Coal Black and Pro Acryl Dark Silver Metallic and base coat all of the armor. If you want it darker, you can actually just glaze the black over the armor after it is dry. Use Scale Color Thrash Metal on the weapons. Then, use Pro Acryl Bronze on the bronze details and as a basecoat for any gold areas. Follow up with Pro Acryl Rich Gold on the golden details.

After the metals, grab Pro Acryl Dark Golden Brown for the leather areas. Use Pro Acryl Olive Flesh on the rosaries beads and the pages of the book. Now you can move into wash territory. Using AK Interactive Exhaust Wash wash apply it to the model and the base. After it dries, heavily water down some Coal Black and use it as a glaze to wash over the weapons. Apply a quick varnish to eliminate the gloss look from the wash. Then lastly Drybrush the base with Light Neutral Grey. Then mix Pro Acryl Dark Golden Brown with Light Neutral Grey and drybrush the dirt section on the base.

With that, the model is looking sweet and ready for war! If you want to hear more of his insights, watch the full video.

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