Stock Your RPG Dungeon For Less With Terrain Crate

By Barclay Montgomery | December 5th, 2018 | Categories: Mantic, Product Review, RPG, Terrain, Videos

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Mantic has a great new way to make your tabletop pop with their new line of affordable terrain. Grab your pic from fantasy or sci-fi terrain on a budget.

If you are looking for a new set of affordable terrain for your RPG dungeon, look no further than Mantic Terrain Crates.

Terrain CrateThese terrain sets are a great way to get started and Mantic has very convenient currency exchanges that won’t cost you extra cash at checkout, unlike other resin model producing companies.

Dragon Hoard $9.99

Terrain Crate

For a super low price, this set will get you started with fantasy terrain that is already assembled and ready to go. This set comes with treasure chests and piles of weapons that come in soft plastics.

These models have plenty of detail to get your terrain set up for success to be table-top quality miniatures. Some of the pieces may need a little heating to fix some warping on the taller pieces and weapons. This set is a great way to get started on your dungeon themed terrain.

Treasury  $29.99

Terrain Crate

This larger set features the same as the smaller ones but gives you a few more options to add to your dragon hoard. Added to this set are some crowns and display elements for your treasure that have amazing detail.

The minis all hold primer well and can be painted up fantastically. These terrain pieces are ready to go out of the box, but may need a little hobby love, removing mold lines and such to make this treasure really shine!

Dungeon Depths  $79.99

Terrain Crate

Any dragon would be envious of your treasury and hoard of coins, but the Dungeon Depths will add a great variety of sinister elements to add to your fantasy battles. Mummies, torture devices, and traps galore in this box will allow you to stock your terrain with some fantasy elements.

Even included are some wizard devices to channel your magicks. To add to your terrain game, without spending a Dragon’s Hoard, you can’t go wrong with these Mantic Terrain Crates.

Models provided for promotion & review

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