Superman Miniature DC Universe Knight Models: Unboxing

Knight Models SupermanKnight Models has Superman Miniatures for their DC Universe game- with a unique comic book style, one of these might just be a great display piece for you!

Rob is taking a look at the Superman minature from Knight Models. It technically is for the DC minis game, but honestly, you may want it just for the look! Today we’ll unbox and compare it to other popular wargaming miniatures out there!

Superman Miniature DC Universe Knight Models: Unboxing

superman laid outWith the piece laid out, we get a sense of the scale and size. The detail is also super packed into this model! It looks like you can see every single muscle on his body!

superman assembledWith the magic touch, the model is put together! Holy cow! There is so much going on with that explosion under him. You also get a true sense of that signature comic book style body ratio.

Either way, the quality and detail on this model are almost enough to use it outside of the game it’s meant for just as a display piece.

Get Your Superman From Knight Models

Check out the video below for Rob’s full breakdown and thoughts on all these models!  Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get models like this each month shipped to them.

This model provided for promotion and review.  

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