Switch it Up: Painting Dark & Stormy Ork Flesh

By Drago | October 10th, 2018 | Categories: Airbrushing, Artel W Miniatures, How To Tutorial, Orks, Videos

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Create your own unique Orks by getting their flesh to appear realistic! Take a look at the easy way to get that awesome dark and stormy look!

Jack of Clubs Painting has some great tutorials on YouTube that go over how to get your miniatures looking fantastic with the airbrush. Take a look at this great combination of both airbrushing and brush painting to get a realistic Ork flesh appearance!

joc ork skin

Switch it Up: Painting Dark & Stormy Ork Flesh

To start, prime the model using the airbrush and Stynlrez black. For the base coat, brush Vallejo Model Refractive Green over the skin. Start those win thin coats, working things up in several layers. Since the skin is visible in very few spots, brush painting the base layer prevents the paint from needing to be cleaned up in other spots.

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Next, add P3 Bog Moss to the airbrush and spray it lightly over the skin, focusing on the muscle groups to brighten up the initial coat a little. Continue to apply thin coats until the color is built up. Spray Ogryn Camo from Games Workshop over the peaks of the muscles to highlight. Spray thin coats in targeted areas to build up the highlights evenly.

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Anthonian Camoshade by Games Workshop is then dabbed across the skin to apply a brownish-green tone. Be careful to not let the wash pool so it doesn’t stain the paint.

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Mix Vallejo Flow Improver with Ogryn Camo to create a thin, semi-transparent glaze. Spray this over the muscles to clean up any stains that occurred and soften the transitions between the wash. This is a great way to get a realistic look on skin. You can also spray more glaze over spots where you want brighter highlights as well.

Once that final glaze is done, the Ork skin looks fantastic! It is still dirty and oily, but has nice and smooth transitions as well as a realistic hue. Be sure to watch the entire tutorial video below, especially to see more of how that final glaze is done!

For more Jack of Clubs tutorials, check out his channel on Youtube.

You can also catch Jack of Clubs on Twitch four nights a week.

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