Take Your Bases Further With This Wash & Drybrush Technique

Take Your Bases Further With This Wash & Drybrush Technique

Take your bases to the next level with this new washing and dry brushing tutorial from Next Level Painting. Get your brushes and bases ready for this one!

Today we will be painting up the base of a Mantic Mutant model from the Plague Faction.

Wash & Drybrush

We will be using a Battle Ready Base from Gamers Grass, which has all of the fixings already modeled on, but we are taking it to the Next Level!

Wash & Drybrush

The trick to getting these battle-ready bases looking next level is by using the Secret Weapon Miniatures wash technique. Get your Secret Weapon washes, add a little Flow Improver to the mix, and start attacking the dirt on your base. The wash used for the dirt is a darker-black wash, and the wash used for the big rock is grayer with some green mixed in; perfect for weathering effects. Once you are done with the darker washes, apply another layer of wash with dark sepia.

Wash & Drybrush

These bases are battle ready, but just adding a few extra minutes of painting and they will look totally Next Level! To create a separation of the large rock and the dirt, so go with a little more green paint on your rock. Feather it around on the rock and it will look more natural.

Wash & Drybrush

Once you have finished the washes on the base, it’s time to add a little more contrast with some dry brushing after you let your wash dry.

The Army Painter D&D paints work very well for this, and we are going to start off with Gelatinous Blue to dry brush our base. Make sure all of your washes are dry before you start this next step. Army Painter Moon Dust and Skeletal Bone go on next to help work up rock contrast.

Wash & Drybrush

Whether you are a new hobbyist, veteran painter, or even a pro level painter, this basing technique can help your models reach the Next Level.

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