Tau Farsight Enclave: The 8 Painted Warhammer 40k Army

By Barclay Montgomery | August 2nd, 2019 | Categories: Army Showcase, Tau, Videos

Commander Farsight’s The Eight are beautifully portrayed in this stunning painting commission. White Metal Games is bringing the Tau heat this time!

In the studio again at White Metal Games, and another painting commission is in the Tau books. A super iconic squad of Tau are ready to hit the tabletop with their amazing paint job. Gaining motivation from the new rule set for The Eight, White Metal Games went ahead and built and painted each member of Commander Farsight’s fighters.

WMG The Eight Tau Showcase


Each member of The Eight has been represented with their own custom-built model. Each converted miniature represents each character beautifully. Normally a tricky color to deal with, ted has been painted with some oil paints. Acrylic paints were used to start this commission and were finished out with oil paint to add some more brightness.

WMG The Eight Tau Showcase

Fusion Blades have been converted on Commander Brightsword to stunning effect with Kuronoth Hunter spears from the Sylvaneth line. A vibrant blue hue breaks up the red color on the models too. Each model was made out of spare units at White Metal Games, and have their dynamic poses represent their personalities.

WMG The Eight Tau Showcase

The painting commission is of a mid-level and Commander Farsight is painted to a high level of detail. This helps your characters stand out from the other members of an army or squad. This was a studio project and wasn’t created for a client, so it is listed on eBay for sale.

WMG The Eight Tau Showcase

White Metal Games continues to bring the heat with these awesome painting commissions. If you are a Tau fan, don’t forget to check if The Eight is available for purchase right now!