The Secret to Painting Chipped Paint: 101

By Barclay Montgomery | July 2nd, 2019 | Categories: Airbrushing, How To Tutorial, Videos

Jack of Clubs Painting is back with you another tutorial on the secret to painting chipped paint weathering effects that is pretty easy. Don’t miss his tutorial 101.

Jack of Clubs will teach you how to paint a tank with the weathered look in no time! A Grot Tank from Maxmini is the perfect subject to showcase the beat-up tank effect. The secret ingredient is Vallejo Chipping Medium which will help create a chipped paint effect on the hull of a vehicle.

Paint Chipping Medium 101

Let’s get started with all the tools and tips to help you achieve the same effect!

Paint Chipping Medium 101

First, grab some black primer and slap a base coat on your Grot Tank. Make two passes of your black primer to really get it to stick on your resin model. Next, get some Army Painter Gun Metal and start adding a layer of it on your tank. This will give your tank that metallic undercoat. A slight highlight of Plate Mail Metal will give a little more shine to your metal bits.

Paint Chipping Medium 101

As a start to our weathering effect, D&D Rust Monster paint helps add random splotches of rust on our tank. The orange rust needs to feel natural and non-uniform to create the old tank effect. When you’re finished, make sure to use a varnish to seal all of your paint to your model. This will prevent your previous paints from reactivating and getting runny.

Paint Chipping Medium 101

After your varnish is dry, begin adding the Chipping Medium to your tank. It goes on clear and needs just a little Flow Improver to help it. Add it to places that you would like to have chipped paint. Make sure to let it sit for a while to make sure that it is completely dry, approximately 30 minutes.

Army Painter Angel Green goes on next as an army olive drab green.

Paint Chipping Medium 101

Once your army green colors are complete, grab an old toothbrush or toothpicks to help you chip the paint off your model. Use a little water, which will soak through the upper paint level and reactivate the Chipping Medium. This will create a paint chipping effect that you can use on your tabletop vehicles.

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