This Is How I Set Up My Wet Pallet for Miniature Painting

By Barclay Montgomery | March 14th, 2019 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

Learn the ancient techniques of wet palette painting with this exclusive tutorial from Next Level Painting. Get your paints to work for you the best way!

The best painting tips in the hobby business are coming to you live again from Next Level Painting. This time he’s showing you how to work with a wet palette to get your miniatures looking their best. The wet palette used by Kenny is from RedGrass Games. It’s a foam pad that absorbs water and keeps the palette paper above it wet so you paints don’t dry out.

Getting the Pallete Ready

To get started, all you need to do is add cold water to your wet palette,  to get the spongy foam nice and wet.


The amount of water you need to use depends on your wet palette, whether it is homemade or a product that you purchased. Overall the consensus is to not let the water level crest over the top surface of your foam pad. Once your wet palette is sufficiently moistened, grab some paints and get started.

Painting With a Wet Palette

Kenny uses brown paint in this video, spreading the paint out on the palette and using Flow Improver as needed to thin the paint down. This is a great technique to get your glazing skills on point.

Now you can start painting as Kenny did with this Cultist model. Focusing on his boots, glazing them over with the wet palette can be super easy. Your paint will not dry out! Push the wet paint around on your model to get an even glaze, using less moisture as you go to bring the colors up.

Add a darker brown next to your lighter brown and go back and forth between the two to make sure you get a good glaze transition. The wet palette will keep your paints wet to make sure that your paint goes on well on your models.

Painting can be secretly easy, so make sure to press play on the tutorial below!