This is How To Paint NMM with Contrast Paints: Stormcast Eternal

This is How To Paint NMM with Contrast Paints: Stormcast Eternal

If you have been wondering how good Citadel’s Contrast paint is for Non-Metal Mettalic (NMM) effects, don’t miss this tutorial!

Emil is going to test the Citadel Contrast paints to their limit. There has been a lot of discussions lately on whether or not the Contrast paints are just a gimmick or actual good paints. Squidmar Miniatures is using the Contrast Paints to try and achieve a high-end painting technique to see if they make the cut.

Non-Metallic Metal is a great technique to try out on some Stormcast Eternals. Let’s get painting!

Stormcast Eternals

The Contrast Paint stress test has begun! Only Contrast Paints will go on the Stormcast Eternal. Start off on the top of the shoulder pads with Talassar Blue, followed by Akhelian Green on the lower shoulder pad. Make sure to keep these two colors separate. Apply this same color combination to the Stormcast shield. For the weapon glow effect, mix Iyanden Yellow with Gryph-hound Orange and finish it with a highlight of Blood Angels Red. Black Templar is was the basecoat to create the glowing metal weapon.

Stormcast Eternals

Next up, Iyanden Yellow covers the rest of the Stormcast armor. For all of the dark leathery parts, use Cygor Brown. Now that all of the base colors are applied to our Stormcast model, we will begin highlighting and shading. Nazdreg Yellow is our shadow color for the yellow portions of the armor. This will start to work out the Non-Metallic Metal effect on our armor.

Stormcast Eternals

Cygor Brown follows the Nazdreg Yellow to create more deep shadows in the recess of the yellow armor. Painting this way with the Contrast Paints can be difficult since getting the right amount of paint on your brush can be inconsistent. To work these inconsistencies out, use some regular white and black paints. The white will help define the highlights better. The black will separate different armor elements to allow your eye to focus on details.

Stormcast Eternals

The ultimate Contrast Paint stress test has revealed a few key pain points. When using Contrast Paints to paint a high-end technique, you must load your brush up with paint, losing control in the process.

Keep this in mind when you try out your own painting techniques with Contrast Paints. Squidmar Miniatures continues to push the limits of painting skills!

Stormcast Eternals

Squidmar Miniatures is a great place to learn all kinds of painting techniques!  Be sure to sub to Squidmar Miniatures YouTube channel for more tutorials.

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