This Tau Army Looks Amazing: Studio Showcase

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If you don’t have as much time to hobby, get more for less with a showcase commission like this From Dark Bunny Creatives!

We are bringing you another fantastically painted army showcase, featuring the Tau Empire and a massive Tiger Shark! These models are painted by Dark Bunny Creatives in their new “Vanilla” base level.

This level, and thier more professionally painted Adept level, are designed for larger infantry based armies, going for a simple paint theme. Vanilla focuses on a general color, and their Adept level focuses more on edge highlighting, softer blends, and fabric painting.

Dark Bunny Creatives combines painting levels in your army to accommodate any budget on their painting commissions. They even offer magnetization options for weapons load-outs, like on the Riptide.

Thier Tiger Shark has an insane amount of weapon options on its model. Heavy Burst Cannons or Cyclic Ion Blasters are available for the wingtip weapons, and the Rail Guns and Ion Cannons on the forward batteries are also magnetized for super customization.

The Tiger Shark is painted at the Adept level from Dark Bunny Creatives to include OSL features on the engines. The Tau are a force to watch out for on your local tabletop and Dark Bunny Creatives can help you out with a more affordable painting commission to get your army tabletop ready!

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.