Tools & Paints in One: Army Painter Hobby Set REVIEW

Get all the tools and paint you need in just one place, including brushes with the latest hobby set to hit the market from The Army Painter.

Today we will take a look at the newest hobby set from The Army Painter that comes with all you need to get started in the hobby.

Hobby Set 2019 $50.00

Army Painter Hobby Unboxing

Hobby Tools

This set is super affordable for what it comes with, gives you a great deal as well. The glue that comes with this kit is top notch on strength and quickness of drying. Two great tools to start hobbying are the clippers and triangle file. Plus a set of paint brushes are even included at probably a $20 value. and it even comes with a paint palette.

Army Painter Hobby Unboxing

Hobby Paints

The paints themselves are on par with other hobby paint pots as far as similar paints go.  The ones included in this set could even be a great way to restart your hobby if you have had a break, or even just to start hobbying in general. The clippers inside will be great for easy plastic model cutting, and the triangle file can help with those mold lines on your miniatures. 12 mL paint pots are a great value for this hobby set compared to others on the market like Citadel that sell for $4.65 each. It seemed like the most coveted piece of this set is the brush-on primer that works fantastically on any model type.

Brush On Primer

Army Painter Hobby Unboxing

This primer is no different in consistency than any other paint, so keep that in mind. It can help if you can’t prime your models outdoors due to ambient weather conditions and can even help improve your brush skills as opposed to airbrushing. From plastic to resin, the primer even covers metal miniatures in no time at all.

Army Painter Hobby Unboxing

This Army Painter hobby set is a fantastic start for any veteran or would-be hobby maniac out there who wants to stay on top of their hobby game.