Two-Sides Are Better That One: G-Mat Review

By Drago | November 1st, 2017 | Categories: Product Review, Videos

gamemateu double mat g

Adding cinematic effects to games add a fantastic experience to tabletop gaming. These double sided mats offer even more options while saving storage!

The folks at GameMateu have released new game mats that are super efficient for your gaming needs. For the complete review, scroll down and press play on the video below!

These mats are all around 3.5kg, waterproof, and anti-glare, and softens the sound of dice rolls similar to their other mats. The mats themselves are 2mm thick, similar to their other mats, and have great detail in their game mats. Each mat comes with its own battle bag and zipper to easily transport and store.

6′ x 4′ Double Sided G-Mat: Highlands in War and Forgotten Realm $102

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This double sided mat works well with the highlands terrain features and is perfect for fantasy style battles. Cost-wise, these mats come in at less than the cost of two regular 6’x4′ mats from GameMat, saving both some money and space for storage.

6’x4′ Double Sided G-Mat: Fallout Zone and Imperial Base $102

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These feature the same artwork as the original mats of the same names. The Imperial Base (Echo Base) is great for any game scenarios on star ships or inside a rebel base. The Fallout Zone is fantastic for any types of terrain and situations.

6’x4′ G-Mat: Medieval Town $62

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These mats are new and fantastic fits for the new Medieval terrain pieces from These mats come in three different sizes, the 6’x4‘, the 6’x3′ and the 4’x4‘. Each set is slightly different to fit the different sizes, including shading and contrasts for each section. The 6×4 and 6×3 are both $62 and the 4×4 is $43.50. The graphics on these mats are fantastic, offering a varied cobble-stone effect as well as some places for ruins, as if you were inside the town itself.

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These mats offer great cinematics for any gameplay, and will work for any models. For any of these mats, be sure to lay them out at least overnight to help them relax, or they will have a slight curl to them. Take a look at the entire review of these neat mats by pressing play on the video below.