Ultra-Detailed Ork Face Painting Tutorial

Have you guys ever wondered how the pros make their painted Ork faces look so good? Well, it won’t be a secret after today. Squidmar has all the details!

Emil from Age of Squidmar is here today to show you the best way to paint ultra-detailed Ork faces.

Orks are very dear to Emil’s heart, so he will be going all out to show you guys how to paint them up to competition level.  Let’s get started with an Orruk War Chanter. Ultra Detailed Ork Face Painting

After laying down a matte black primer, add a white highlight with an airbrush. Angle your airbrush at a 90-degree angle from above to achieve your highlight. For our first paint, we’re mixing Citadel Death World Forest and Rhinox Hide in a 50/50 mix. This will act as the mid-tone of our greens. Citadel’s Elysian Green is the next tone to brighten up our green. Only add this green to the top of the Ork head to create a light effect.

Don’t worry if the colors blend, be more aware of volumes and where you add the lighter colors.Ultra Detailed Ork Face Painting

When painting the skin, we are assuming the Ork blood is red, so the areas where the skin is thin we will use a splash of red tones. For the reddish skin tones, Bugman’s Glow is our base. It’s best to use a wet palette when painting with high-quality paints to keep them from drying out. This works especially well with wet blending two different colors.

Ultra Detailed Ork Face Painting

Once you’ve added sufficient wet blending, add more Elysium Green on the portions of the head that face toward the sky. This includes the top of the head, the cheekbones, and the tips of the ears. Moving on to the eyes, use Golden Brown from Vallejo as your base color. The base color for the teeth is Rhinox Hide.

Ultra Detailed Ork Face Painting

For the next highlights, add some Flow Improver to your wet palette. Grab some Citadel Moot Green, Mephiston Red, and Screaming Skull to add highlights to your Ork face. There’s more to this technique when you check out the video!

Don’t forget to check out Squidmar Miniatures YouTube channel for more tutorials.

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