Vines, Flowers, & More – Fine Detailing Terrain


Yo dawg, Kenny Boucher here to take your terrain project to the next level! Settle in and let’s get acquainted working with the finer details.

Step 1. Tufts of Grass, if you don’t know about Tufts you know now. Stop using flock. I cut one up with an exacto knife and made it slim so it would fit inside these cracks. Don’t go crazy, sometimes less is more.


Step 2. Army Painter Flowers, amazing. I love using this stuff to make some foliage in the model really pop.


Step 3. Army Painter Ivy is also great! I love it, but it’s hard to use. I use Elmer’s glue, wait for it to dry, then put more on it. You just have to keep working on it bit by bit.

Pro-Tip: Super Glue on clutch areas so that the ivy will dangle on the columns just right.


Pro-Tip: Use some weight to really hold down this ivy and give it a minute to set right.


Pro-Tip: Elmer’s dries clear so I’m not worried about it discoloring my work.

Step 4: Mix and Match, I added some flowers to the ivy to make it really pop out.

Step 5: More elmers, you have to be really patient with this ivy, push it forward with a brush and see were it would adhere to the column.


Step 6: I’m adding some Flash Gitz and Necrotite Green to dry bush some pop onto these trees.

You’ll want to check out the video for the full blow by blow and all the clutch tips to get your hobby project to the next level.


“For great hobby glory!”

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