Weathering Your Ork Paint Job Is Super Easy

By Drago | October 4th, 2018 | Categories: Airbrushing, How To Tutorial, Mantic, Next Level Painting, Orks, Videos

Ork Nob walpaper

The color red makes orcs go faster, but red paint does not maintain its pristine color for long. Take a look at how to get perfectly weathered Orky reds!

Building colors and weathering pieces of the model can be pretty easy. Take a look at this tutorial that uses a Mantic Orc Wartrike to see how easy painting weathered reds can be! Be sure to watch the entire tutorial below by pressing play on the video!

Weathering Your Ork Paint Job Is Super Easy

reds ork Weathering Your Ork Paint Job Is Super Easy

To start, mix Abaddon Black and Mephiston Red in the airbrush with some Vallejo Flow Improver. Use this mix to glaze over the model, building up several thin coats. Add more reds to the pot and start building up the transitions, getting brighter reds where the light would hit more. Once the base is set, use pure Mephiston Red to build up the highlights and make the reds pop.

ork red wash

Once the reds are to a point you are happy with, apply a gloss varnish to seal and prepare for the wash. Mix Soft Body Black by Secret Weapon Miniatures with some flow improver and dab the wash all over. Be sure to wisk away large puddles of the wash and push the wash into the cracks.

Then let this dry completely.

chipping effect

Once the wash is dry, use some silver in a stippling motion to start applying chipping effects. Apply this to every panel, framing out the panels to create a chipped paint effect. Mix some orange with the brighter red and apply a bottom highlight to each panel.

Set the highlight above where the chipped paint is located. Use this same color to edge highlight panels that are not chipped as well. To create more contrast, apply a shadow using black under the chipped side of the panel.

There you have it, the reds are ready to go! To see the entire tutorial, including how the missiles and viewfinder are painted, be sure to press play on the video below!